Sleep & Performance: Why rest is the missing piece to your training regime

Sleep & Performance: Why rest is the missing piece to your training regime

Written by Jennifer Ho Sports Dietitian. MS, RD, CD.  Athletes Don't Value Sleep Enough Here’s a question for you. Which of these would boost your ego the most? Completed a tough training session,...
Cold therapy for sports can be hard

Beyond the Ice Bath: Cold Therapy Secrets Revealed

The idea of using cold therapy to help you recover from training is pretty appealing (and basically free). Dunk yourself in some cold water - maybe with ice if you’re feeling brave - and get the be...
Recover faster from your next run

Jason Fitzgerald - How to Recover Faster From Your Run

We all need to recover after exercise. This video lays out practical ways you can recover faster and get more out of your training.  You need to think about recovery before the workout even starts...